LocationBox: Map-based software platform for app developers from Infotech

INFOTECH, Turkey's technology brand that produces map content and develops map-related software, recently opened up an important service to application development teams.

LocationBox, which is operated with a cloud computing approach, offers more features than the Global Map Platforms in general use in the world (detailed maps where you can see the streets and avenues, address and coordinate definition, POIs on maps, display of public buildings, route drawing, etc.).
On LocationBox maps, it is possible to access color analysis, route calculation, advanced roads, addresses and 3 million workplaces (POI) information under 485 categories. There is also information about 300 3D workplaces.
In addition to the Global Map Platforms, all POIs of 1000 brands of Turkey are included with the logos of the institutions (banks, gas stations, retail chains, etc.). Pharmacy information on duty, instant traffic information of all cities, main arteries and important streets of Turkey, statistics in neighborhood or district detail published by TÜİK for institutions are also available for use with LoxationBox.
Answers to specific queries
With LocationBox, there are special interfaces on the end-user side where campaigns of businesses such as electronics, cosmetics, restaurants, cafes, and markets are displayed on maps and queried according to distance.
POIs (points of interest) around a point on the map can also be queried by users.
Institutionally specific
It is certainly possible to evaluate LocationBox as a service for the end user, but the privileges offered to the corporate side may also attract the attention of those doing business in this field.
LocationBox provides access to the multi-point Route Optimization (traveling salesman) service, which increases the efficiency of distribution vehicles, and services that enable the creation of map-based report visuals developed for use in ERP and Decision Support Systems.
You can also access the ground surveys of Turkey's major cities (used in calculating earthquake risk), an algorithm that solves Turkey's unique address structure, and the address database of all of Turkey.
Free to use
LocationBox Services are offered free of charge to application developers. You can develop a service for the end user with maps that you can personalize, as well as a service for the corporate side where you can create competitor analysis.
You can also use LocationBox for all kinds of location-based operations in applications developed on iPhone and Android. As we have shared examples before, you can develop mobile applications that allow the smartphone owner to find restaurants and cafes with promotions around them.
To see a live sample INFOTECH map and get detailed information, you can visit the Locationbox contact page.